Sunday, September 13, 2009

Work, Shower, Rinse, Repeat

Haven't blogged in a couple weeks, mostly just cause nothing is going on. I think my friend Jennifer put it best when asked about her activities : "Work, Shower, Rinse, Repeat."

I told myself that I worked non-stop in Atlanta because I was just so busy, but I think the reality was I just didn't want to be at home dealing w/the painful collapse of my marriage. I've come to discover, however, that I really am a workaholic. So, aside from putting in the time at the office and being on Facebook continuously (thanks for whoever invented THAT!), I mostly just sleep and chill w/the domesticated beasts. I realize it's neither fun nor exciting, but it is the reality.

My sister and the baby (I'll always refer to her as the baby, despite how old she gets) came by for Labor Day. Aside from drinking so much I blacked out and can't remember more than half the night (NOT one of my finer moments), we had a good time. Thanks for taking care of me, sissy. We went to the beach w/some friends and their kids, which Brianna loved, and out on a boat to see coastal Mississippi and some of the destruction still remaining from Hurricane Katrina. I simply can't imagine how anyone lived through such destruction.

On a positive note, I'm starting volunteer work at Children's Hospital here in New Orleans very soon. Gotta get a TB test and then I should be set. I adore children and have been blessed to know so many wonderful little people (not midgets). Since I may never have any of my own, I thought it was time to start giving back to the wee ones that have touched my soul.
I'll keep you posted on how it goes!

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