Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Correction: Ms. Owens

It was brought to my attention, shortly after I published the last post, that Ms. Owens was probably NOT a stripper. She was, however, an "entertainer"....there's a subtle difference, you see.

Oh, and she "allegedly" used to be a man.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie,

Dad here. As a point of interest I think Ms. Owens would probably take offense to being called a "stripper" particularly in the context in which it is used today. And while the word "entertainer" would be accurate, it would hardly do her justice.

Your mom and I missed her when we were in New Orleans but the next time we come see you we will check her out.

From what I can tell Ms. Owens would most properly be called a "burlesque performer" in the vein of Gypsy Rose Lee and maybe Sally Rand. While removal of clothing may be part of it, there is singing, dancing and burlesque was famous for a great deal of talking particularly of the "bawdy" type. (Of course, from today's point of view stripping can be seen on FOX and is no big deal and "bawdy" would probably get a PG-rating.)

Either way, I bet her show is a blast! As soon as you go give us a review!!


Cascia Talbert said...

I just found your blog and thought I would pay you a visit. You have a very nice blog here!

Jackie said...

Thank you for the advice, Dad. My story was, more or less, meant for humor. There was no malice or offense meant by anything said. I have no doubt that Owens' show is riveting and entertaining, with clothes or without.