Thursday, February 19, 2009

My apologies, in advance

So, to say I've been hellua busy at work would be an understatement. Between audits, and deadlines, and reviews, and turmoil on a local level w/the counsel my client formerly used, it's been non-stop. I haven't posted in FORever! You have my apologies in advance. You're gonna see several posts, back to back to back. Be forewarned......


Jus and Kat said...

After this weekend, you won't remember any of your worries! :o Missing you bunches, Kat

Anonymous said...

Bring it on! Can't wait to hear about the wild times!

Anon Ymous said...

Looking forward to hearing about your first Mardi Gra Ball! I saw your dress it was lovely! Your Cousin Brian was there for the day, but I don't know if he knew how to reach you.