Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm sorry!

I am always the first person to step up and admit when I'm wrong, when I've messed up, and I genuinely try to take responsibility for all my actions-good and bad. My recent antics (see the reference to Labor Day in the last post) have hurt a couple people, one person in particular. I have no idea if this person checks out the blog or not, and even though I've apologized profusely, I remain plagued by guilt compounded by an utter uncertainty of exactly what I did wrong. I've tried to live my whole life with few regrets, and so far I've done pretty good. Despite that, I've managed to add yet another tick to the regret column.

Living through my childhood and my failed marriage, I can certainly attest to the fact that there are always going to be ups and downs in every relationship. Sometimes the people you love are going to disappoint you, such is the reality of life and love and people. What makes us human is our ability to continue to love people through the pain, step up to the plate and make amends, and to forgive. A lesson I've had a hard time learning is that you not only have to learn to forgive those that hurt you, but also forgive yourself. Self-loathing gets you absolutely nowhere.

So, with the above in mind, I will say one last "I really am sorry" and purge my own sadness from my heart; I am human and I make mistakes. Since music has always held a huge influence in my life, I'll close w/a passage from one of my favorite songs:

You see time, time is our friend
cause for us there is no end
And all you gotta do is have a little faith in me
I said I will hold you up, I will hold you up
Your love gives me strength enough
So have a little faith in me
Have a little faith in me

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